How To Paint

That’s a pretty simple title right?

But as most of us know, while it is an easy craft to learn, doing it effectively and without leaving a colossal mess is easier said than done.

Anyone who has ever taken on a painting project knows it can be tedious, time consuming, frustrating and messy. Even for the seasoned professionals, painting can be a grind.

Planning your course is one of the most basic recommendations we have. From determining colors and supplies to mapping out the best areas to start and where you want to eventually finish are keys to doing the job right and efficient.

When we talk to professional painters, they always stress the importance of planning your process and thinking about the end result you want to see and working backwards from that vision. It may sound crazy, but envisioning what you want to have at the end can help you a great deal in determining what path you want to chart to get there with the least amount of mess, frustration and agony. Yes, agony.

So to avoid that agony, plan your course. Take the time to carefully look at what may be the easiest and most difficult aspects of your project and determine where you want to begin and finish and know what special challenges may arise. In doing this, you not only insure the best path to success but also reduce the chances of making significant errors along the way.

Also, Google some videos or search YouTube on special tips and instructions from professional painters as well as those online who offer free advice. This can go a long way in making sure you avoid the pitfalls of painting that so many of us are all to aware of.

We hope this help you in your planning process and gives you some much needed help along the way.

Get it done!

The Essential List of Painting Supplies

Like any project, there are the essentials that you must have in order to complete it like a pro AND, more importantly, leave it looking like it was done with pride and cleanliness.

There are essential products that every painting service uses to perform at their highest and charge customers top dollar for their expertise.

From basic paint can openers, to paint brushes, to drop clothes, clothing suited for painting projects, ladders, lift and everything in between, it is essential that you come prepared and get the job done right.

As you can imagine, there are literally thousands of products available to help individuals and private companies get the job done to everyone’s satisfaction.

The simple list is below:

Tape measure




Pouring spout

Tray liner

Roller tray


Roller cover


White clothing or overalls

Painters tape

Painters hat

Drop clothes

Hole fillers




Mineral Water


Step stool

These are just basic things that every painter used, but the list can get more extensive with the complexity of the job.

We hope these basic necessities will help get you started on your project. Stay tuned for more information on painting supplies, tricks, techniques and yes, a few short cuts, you’ll need along the way.

Painting is not a hard task, but it does require something few of us have mastered; the ability to go slow and patiently apply paint in a way that allows it to look its best when completed.




For all people, it is evident that color in its different expressions is an essential source of information. It has a subtle influence on the state of mind. A painting can contain, for example, dark and gray colors, fostering a quiet space or, on the contrary, a pleasant, colorful, clean and full of optimism landscape. It is easy to recognize the difference that different tones emanate and the associations they represent. If you transfer situations and pictorial representations to a physical space, fixing their permanence, you will continuously project a specific type of Qi or energy.


In the art of Feng shui, certain colors are associated with the five elements. For example, a red color would speak of the fire element, of the summer season, of an internal organ such as the heart. Also specific associations such as fun, stress, the festive, etc. Both the quality of the tones and the amount of space used for color can determine whether the item is balanced or not. For example, details of fire in an area encourage activity and joy. An excess can attract an end of dynamism that eventually leads to stress or impatience. That is why when using the five elements it is not enough to say such or such a color, the richness, and nuances of the advice can be broad, and an excellent analysis of the space as a whole is convenient.

People who approach this art for the first time always ask what colors they should use. It is not a question that is answered by merely saying that color has to go here or there. We are not very supportive of giving the advice to paint “specific” without seeing a place in its real state. Very often people consult remotely where a specific tone is requested for a bedroom, living room or business. People who ask, have difficulty understanding the problems of giving correct advice. For example, a person suffering from chronic stress would not be wise to put in his living room very yang colors, because they would surely aggravate their situation and in the same way, an introverted, apathetic and friolera would not be balanced gray, black or dark blue of character yin. These are issues that must be assessed in conjunction with other types of data and tips to paint that Feng shui brings.

The five elements and primary colors

Fire: Red, orange, pink, warm colors.

Earth: Brown, beige, yellow colors.

Metal: White, gold, silver, broken white.

Water: Color black, blue, turquoise.

Wood: Green color.

In any case, we must not have an excessive fear that makes it impossible for us to make a personal choice in the matter of colors. If we have a study and a geomantic letter we will have more data for the election, otherwise we can be guided by more affordable issues, trying to use our common sense and criterion, which in many cases, will guide us in the right way.


You should not be rigid in this aspect and think that you should paint each “area” of a particular color. The geomantic chart in its different focuses, the colors associated with the cardinal directions and the study of the elements gives us varied and sometimes contradictory information about the colors to be used. Imagine that you follow the method that assigns the color according to the theory of the five elements and their relationship with the cardinal directions.

He has in his house to locate the dining room in the northern part that is symbolized by the element water and therefore with the colors blue and black. If the dining room does not have too many windows and there is little natural light, it would be a terrible mistake to follow the recommendations dictated by the previous association since it would end up turning the living room of your home into something cold and without movement. The following are some ideas and guidelines for the flight on the use of color, applied to individual rooms of the house and different types of personal characters.


In general, nervous, hyper-active, scattered or excitable people have to avoid excess colors Yang: Red, yellow, orange or very garish. They are more successful neutral and soft colors that calm and tranquilize. If the room is occupied by a shy, apathetic, chilly person or with a tendency to depression, we will avoid very Yin colors. The black. The dark blue. Green without light or gray tones would sink the person more deeply.

The warmer colors represented in spring, such as salmon, yellow or luminous tones, can stimulate movement and be appropriate. And the colors of the cars? If we observe some study about it (University of Auckland in New Zealand), some of the colors most related to accidents are brown, black, and this has to do especially with the low visibility in the night and weather conditions extremes like fog or rain. Here the light and bright tones are much safer. There are many wonderful ways to paint and each is an artistic and personal expression of your inner soul. I learned this from my brother who just happens to own his painting company. He is one of the finest in his industry and performs his work as if each and every project is his own. You can visit his Fort Lauderdale commercial painting website by going to It truly is a sight to behold as he works from start to finish on each task from old and distressed to new and revitalized. Please take a look at his work.