The Essential List of Painting Supplies

Like any project, there are the essentials that you must have in order to complete it like a pro AND, more importantly, leave it looking like it was done with pride and cleanliness.

There are essential products that every painting service uses to perform at their highest and charge customers top dollar for their expertise.

From basic paint can openers, to paint brushes, to drop clothes, clothing suited for painting projects, ladders, lift and everything in between, it is essential that you come prepared and get the job done right.

As you can imagine, there are literally thousands of products available to help individuals and private companies get the job done to everyone’s satisfaction.

The simple list is below:

Tape measure




Pouring spout

Tray liner

Roller tray


Roller cover


White clothing or overalls

Painters tape

Painters hat

Drop clothes

Hole fillers




Mineral Water


Step stool

These are just basic things that every painter used, but the list can get more extensive with the complexity of the job.

We hope these basic necessities will help get you started on your project. Stay tuned for more information on painting supplies, tricks, techniques and yes, a few short cuts, you’ll need along the way.

Painting is not a hard task, but it does require something few of us have mastered; the ability to go slow and patiently apply paint in a way that allows it to look its best when completed.



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